Terms and Conditions Generator

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About This Tool

Generate a Terms & Conditions agreement for your business with the Terms & Conditions Generator from Techusers.

Our Terms & Conditions Generator makes it easy to generate a Terms & Conditions, Terms of Service or Terms of Use for your website, app, ecommerce store, SaaS or any projects where you need a Terms & Conditions agreement.

What is a Terms & Conditions agreement?

A Terms and Conditions agreement (T&C) outlines and sets forth your rules and requirements for people who use your website or mobile app.

Topics addressed in a T&C include such things as acceptable behavior by users, restricted uses of your service and the maintenance of your rights, such as the right to terminate access to people who violate your rules. Users must agree to your Terms and Conditions for them to be enforceable.

Terms and Conditions agreements are also known as Terms of Service or Terms of Use agreements. The name doesn’t matter, as they all serve the same purpose: Protecting your business and keeping your users informed.

Is the Terms & Conditions Generator free?

Yes, Techusers’s Terms & Conditions Generator is free to use. Our agreements and policies are free.

Why do I need a Terms & Conditions agreement?

There are five main reasons why a Terms and Conditions is necessary:

  • Prevent abuses: A Terms & Conditions agreement will help you prevent abuses such as theft of your content, reverse-engineering of your app and spamming of your users. This is because your T&C will do two things.First, it’s where you list out what types of abuses you won’t accept. Secondly, it’s where you reserve your right to terminate or suspend users or accounts that engage in these abuses.
  • Protect content: As a business owner, you own the logo, content, and design of your website or app. A Terms & Conditions agreement informs users of this fact and prevents them from misappropriating any of your content.You can also help protect your users’ content in the same way.
  • Reserve right to terminate: You can maintain full control over your website or app by including a clause in your T&C that reserves your right to terminate accounts for any reason. Without this clause, you may face lawsuits if you shut down a user account, even with cause.You’ve spent time, money and effort creating your platform, and your T&C will help you keep it from getting out of your control.
  • Limit liability: Your Terms & Conditions agreement limits the causes of actions your users may attempt to use against you. It does this by limiting liability for things like errors or inaccuracies in your information, damages caused by software issues, breaks in service or system shutdowns.A T&C should always explain to users that they’re assuming these risks when they sign up for an app, website or service and that the business cannot be held liable for any losses sustained in these events.
  • Notice of governing law: If your company is located in California, it’s doubtful that you want to attend an arbitration proceeding in Singapore.That’s where a T&C clause on governing law comes in. You’ll be able to state the jurisdiction your Terms and Conditions agreement falls under, and indicate where any dispute resolution must take place